Welcome to the secret, second About page!
You got here by clicking the title text.
I based my title text (EldritchWyrm!) off the 1999 version of the Google logo.
I built it in Adobe Illustrator, which lets you turn text 3D.
About the eldritch wyrm
The eldritch wyrm's secret identity is a PhD student whose True (i.e. identifiable) Name shall never be spoken in these glitch-themed brightly colored halls. Their tumblr username is also eldritchwyrm. On the internet, you can call them "nee."
Occasionally they write fanfiction on ao3 as unintelligiblescreaming. More frequently, they write original fiction, which can be found in various published venues. Their authorial name shall never be spoken here either.
While we're on that subject: there's a popular narrative about authors "starting out" as fanfiction authors before "graduating" to the big leagues (i.e. published novelists). FUN FACT: this is mostly a myth! Of the many people in the professional publishing world who also write fanfiction, it's true that some of them "practiced" writing via fanfiction and graduated to "real" writing, but many authors — like me — started with original fiction and only later explored the world of fanfic. I actually find fanfic a lot harder to write than original fiction!
The eldritch wyrm uses they/them pronouns.